Cheap rhetorical trick of making someone look evasive by forcing upon them a limited choice of answers when the situation is really more complex.
“Will you absolutely, 100% commit to saving the planet, yes or no? It’s a simple question!”
Cheap rhetorical trick of making someone look evasive by forcing upon them a limited choice of answers when the situation is really more complex.
“Will you absolutely, 100% commit to saving the planet, yes or no? It’s a simple question!”
A restaurant whose prices are more substantial than their portions
Festively dispatched
I’m sure he didn’t have that expression to begin with
The first toy to go. Probably age 3 months
To deliberately wait till someone’s phone is off before calling – thus allowing you to leave a message rather than actually have to say it to them
The socially awkward situation of leaving work at the same time as a little-known colleague and then having to make small talk with them all the way to the train station.
Frinkling is so hideous to the British that they will often make up imaginary errands or take wild detours to avoid being forced to think up non-work subjects with the man from accounts.
The phenomenom by which, whatever time you come home from work, when you switch on Radio 4, it’s always midway through the Archers
The Aaaah… sound that people make exclusively and particularly after the first sip of ‘a really good cup of tea’