Euroguff Uncategorized

Spit and Polish – Euroguff day 6

According to Jamie Carragher, it was the Polish union with Lithuania which brought pro-Western Catholic Poland and Orthodox Russia into a real, constant relation with both states engaged in the contest for the political, strategic and civilization…

According to Jamie Carragher, it was the Polish union with Lithuania which brought pro-Western Catholic Poland and Orthodox Russia into a real, constant relation with both states engaged in the contest for the political, strategic and civilizational preponderance in Central and Eastern Europe.??

Good game wasn't it!?

NEW FEATURE -??Who Should I Be Cheering For Today????

??- These Euroguffers had forgotten they'd backed Germany

Denmark v Portgual, 5pm


??- Ronaldo, yesterday

Everyone has it down as a Portugal win, except for:

Draw Denmark win
DK Willy McFuddle 'O Toole
Bayer Neverlusen Mrs Euroguff
El Pringle Canary
Don revie
Tom Laidlaw
Toy Bodgson
Soccer Sage
Claudio Inglesias Failte

Holland v Germany, 7.45pm


??- this has always been a friendly fixture

This match is much more divisive:

Holland win Draw German win
Andy Grey DK Willy 2012sheds
Benny The Ball Tim Henman Bayer Neverlusen
Don revie Dario Made-the-Gradi Roy Hodgson
Earsane Wanger El Pringle Sepp Bladder
Tom Laidlaw Mike Bassett Simon Grayson
George Osborne is a twat B B Foot roy the hodgson
Mr. Awesome McFuddle 'O Toole Ronaldo McDonald??
Naven Johnson Strev87 Toy Dodgson
Toy Bodgson Scotty McNasty Mrs Euroguff
Bill Shankly Steve Mclaren Is Pele Playing?
Mozzer Jigsaw (goes to pieces in the box) Kicker Conspiracy
Wheat Dodger Brown Fox Yankee's Spankers
Christophe Woodini Harry Redface Gazza
Trap A Tony Ivor Greatidea Hansi Mueller
Normski Gunner Arsenedof Nowhere Vuvuzela????
Del Garnett Septic Tank Charlton Wicked Woy Wodgson
Simoneo Huesserelli Fabio Crapello
Lorem Ipsum The Special [Measures] One
Bring Back Bobby Robson Messi Gardener
Canary Letina lotagoals??
Soccer Sage
Paulo Di Harringtonio
Anjusha Klins-Morinho
Big Ron Colonel Saunders
Hatch's Heros
Stevie's Wunders
Claudio Inglesias Failte
Dirk Diggler
Swiss T

CLASSIFIED AD – any of you designers out there fancy knocking out a quick logo for Euroguff? I think the brand proposition is "Sporting nonsense for today's shirkers". Five thousand drachmas for the best design

The standings
Civil Partnership Name Married name Total
1= Simoneo Huesserelli Simon Huesser 14
1= Mrs Euroguff Mrs Carlosfandango_ 14
3= Tim Henman david hickson 12
3= Don revie Simon Andrews 12
3= Brown Fox Jim Chambers 12
3= Arsenedof Nowhere Darren Hanson 12
3= Paulo Di Harringtonio Paul Harrington 12
3= Stevie's Wunders Steve Andrews 12
9= Sepp Bladder Carl Mesner Lyons 10
9= El Pringle Keith Pringle 10
9= Steve Mclaren JT 10
9= Bring Back Bobby Robson Dan Jamieson 10
9= Yankee's Spankers Dave Robertshaw 10
9= Hansi Mueller Bernd Friedle 10
9= Vuvuzela???? Sandra Benfer 10
9= Wheat Dodger Leanne McGirr 10
9= Christophe Woodini Chris Wood 10
9= Del Garnett Darren Gavigan 10
9= Swiss T Thomas Angst 10
20= Andy Grey Darren Holdaway 8
20= DK Willy DK 8
20= 2012sheds Pete smith 8
20= Bayer Neverlusen Rob Broome 8
20= B B Foot Rory 8
20= McFuddle 'O Toole Gordon?? 8
20= Benny The Ball Nick Townend 8
20= Scotty McNasty Andrew Robb 8
20= Earsane Wanger Paul Shaw 8
20= Ivor Greatidea Steve Edney 8
20= Naven Johnson Eddie Vassallo 8
20= Is Pele Playing? John Orta 8
20= Toy Bodgson Tom Barton 8
20= Kicker Conspiracy Tim Fiddies 8
20= Canary Simon Barnes 8
20= Soccer Sage Mike Xenakis 8
20= Bill Shankly Bob Steadman 8
20= Gazza Gary Taylor 8
20= Wicked Woy Wodgson David Patterson 8
20= Fabio Crapello Martin B 8
20= Trap A Tony Tony Power 8
20= Normski Gunner Norman House 8
42= Mike Bassett Eamonn Newell 6
42= Simon Grayson Paul Revy 6
42= Strev87 dave strevett 6
42= Tom Laidlaw Tom Laidlaw 6
42= Toy Dodgson Kelsey O 6
42= Harry Redface Dan McGrath 6
42= Septic Tank Charlton Jeremy Crisp 6
42= Anjusha Klins-Morinho Anna Wilson 6
42= Big Ron Colonel Saunders Andrew Hartland 6
42= Hatch's Heros Chris Matthews 6
42= The Special [Measures] One Tim Donnelly Smith 6
42= Claudio Inglesias Failte Claude Tonna-Barthet 6
54= Roy Hodgson John Catterfeld 4
54= roy the hodgson harvey 4
54= Ronaldo McDonald?? Cephas Howard?? 4
54= Jigsaw (goes to pieces in the box) Matt Brooke-Smith 4
54= George Osborne is a twat Andy Young 4
54= Mr. Awesome Geroge Pokorny 4
54= Mozzer Paul Conroy 4
54= Letina lotagoals?? Berry 4
54= Dirk Diggler Nik Goodman 4
63= Lorem Ipsum Jon D 2
63= Messi Gardener Johnny T?? 2
65 Dario Made-the-Gradi David of Crook 0